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Our Vision and Mission

Our Association was established to support and organise all kinds of clinical studies in the field of oncology for the benefit of cancer patients.

To achieve this, among our primary targets are to improve the education and knowledge level of physicians working in the field of oncology, to further develop a common working culture, providing up-to-date information by organising professional meetings, symposiums and congresses and raise the national standards of the oncology branch by promoting scientific publications.

We aim to continue with clinical phase studies after having acquired experience and organizational skills with registration studies, retrospective studies and observational studies.

Charter of the Association

Oncological Clinical Research Association

Article 1 - Name and Headquarters of the Association

The name of the Association is “Oncological Clinical Research Association“ The Headquarters of the Association is located in Istanbul. No branch of the Association will be established.

Article 2-The Objective of the Association; its functioning and fields of activity and work, in order to meet this objective

The Association was founded to: Support studies in the field of oncology and cancer, Register oncology physicians working in these fields of medical oncology, as members, Organise and support congresses, symposiums, meetings and forums for oncology physicians, Design, produce or support the design and production of audiovisual and printed material such as leaflets, newsletters, etc., Promote scientific publications of oncology physicians and providing scholarships contributing to the progress of our country in the field of oncology and for the benefit the people all over the world.

Fields and Methods of Study of the Association
  • 1-To undertake activities in order to develop and support studies,
  • 2-To organize training activities such as courses, seminars, conferences and panels,
  • 3-To collect all kinds of subject related information, printed material, documents and publications, to establish a documentation center, to publish publications such as newspapers, magazines, books, leaflets and bulletins in line with the purpose of the association,
  • 4-To maintain a healthy working environment, to provide the necessary technical tools and office equipment,
  • 5-Launching and running fundraising activities, accepting donations from Turkey and abroad, provided that these are legally permitted and in full compliance with the fundraising legislation,
  • 6-Establishing and operating economic, commercial and industrial enterprises in order to obtain the necessary revenues for reaching the objective of the association,
  • 7-To open and run clubhouses, social and cultural facilities and to equip them so that the members can benefit and enjoy their leisure time,
  • 8-Organising dinner meetings, concerts, balls, theater events, exhibitions, excursions sports and entertaining events etc. in order to encourage and improve the dialog between members
  • 9-Buying, selling, renting, leasing movable and immovable property, acquisition of right in rem, which are needed for the activities of the association,
  • 10-Establishing foundations, founding or becoming a founding member of federations or joining an already established federation in Turkey or abroad, Establishing and running facilities that associations are allowed to establish with the necessary legal permissions,
  • 11-To operate internationally, to become a member of associations or organisations abroad and to cooperate with these organisations,
  • 12-If considered necessary for the attainment of its objectives, engaging in common projects with public organisations and institutions, according to the Code on Relations of Associations and Foundations with Public Institutions and Organisations # 5072;
  • 13-Establishing a fund in order to meet the needs of the association members, such as food, clothing, and other goods and services, and short-term credit needs,
  • 14-To open representative offices where deemed necessary,
  • 15-Establishing platforms with non-governmental organisations, foundations, unions, etc., which are related to the purpose of the Association and which are not prohibited by law,
  • 16-Implementing joint studies or projects with the Ministry of Health and other institutions in the field of Oncology
  • 17-Joining national and international organisations, which are related to the purpose of the Association, conducting joint studies with these organisations or sending representatives, in compliance with the charter of the Association and law.
  • 18-Employing paid staff in order to achieve its objectives
Field of Operation of the Association

The Association operates in the field of Social and Medicine in Turkey and abroad.

Article 3 – Membership Terms and Conditions

Any natural or legal person who is a medical oncology specialist or who studies to become a medical oncology specialist has the right to become a member of this association. However, in order for foreign real persons to become a member of the Asssociation, they must also have the right to reside in Turkey. This condition is not required for Honorary Membership.

The membership application has to be made in writing to the Chairmanship of the Association Board of Directors of the Association decides as acceptance or rejection of the request within thirty days at most, and the notification with this result is sent to the applicant in writing. Members whose application are accepted are recorded in the register to be kept for this purpose

Full members are the founding members of the Association and those admitted by the Board of Directors for membership.

Persons who supported the Association materially and morally support may be admitted by the Board of Directors as Honorary Members.

Article 4- Termination of Membership

Each member has the right to leave the association by transmitting a notice of withdrawal in writing.

As soon as the notice of withdrawal of the member reaches the board of directors, the exit procedures are deemed to be completed.

Withdrawal by a Member shall not affect its outstanding financial obligations to the Association.

Article 5- Dismissal from Membership

The Board of Directors od the Association shall have the discretion to terminate the membership of any member on any of the following grounds:

  • 1-Behaving contrary to the charter of the association,
  • 2- Continuously refraining from assigned tasks
  • 3-Failing to pay the membership fee within six months despite written warnings,
  • 4-Failing to comply with the decisions made by the association's bodies.
  • 5- If any of the above occurs, the conditions for membership is no more met and the member is dismissed by the decision of the Board of Directors.

Members who leave or are removed from the association are deleted from the member register and cannot claim any rights on the association's assets.

Article 6 - Organs of the Association

The organs of the association are shown below.

  • 1-General Assembly,
  • 2-Board of Directors,
  • 3-Board of Auditors,
Article 7 – Structure of the General Assembly, board meeting date, meeting call and principles of the board meeting

The General assembly is the most authorized decision-making body of the Association; It consists of the Associations registered members.

General Assembly;

The General Assembly convenes regularly at the time specified in this charter. If the Board of Directors or the Board of Auditors deems it necessary or upon the written request of at least five of the members of the Association, the General Assembly convenes extraordinarily within thirty days. The Ordinary General Assembly convenes once in every three years in December, the day and the place to be determined by the Board of Directors.

The general assembly is called to the meeting by the Board of Directors. If the Board of Directors does not call for a meeting of the general assembly; upon the request of one of the members of the association, the local magistrate will appoint three members of the association to call the general assembly to the meeting.

Call Procedure*

The board of directors shall arrange the list of all members who are entitled to attend the general assembly in line with the Association's charter.

Members who are entitled to attend the General Assembly shall be invited to the meeting whose day, time, place and agenda shall be announced at least fifteen days in advance, on the Association's website, in at least one newspaper or to be sent as a message to the member's e-mail address or contact number,

The date, time and place of the second meeting shall be set, in case the first meeting cannot be held due to lack of majority. The period between the first meeting and the second meeting cannot be less than seven days and not be more than sixty days.

If the meeting is postponed for any reason other than the reason for failure to hold the majority, it shall be notified to the members in accordance with the call procedure for the first meeting, including the reasons for withdrawal. The second meeting must be held no later than six months after the date of withdrawal.

The members are recalled to the second meeting according to the principles stated in the first clause. The General Assembly meeting cannot be withdrawn more than once.

Meeting Procedure*

The General Assembly convenes with the participation of the absolute majority of the members who have the right to participate; in case of change of the Statute and dissolution of the Association the General Assembly convenes with the participation of two thirds of the absolute majority of the members who have the right to attend. If the meeting is postponed due to failure of majority, in the second meeting majority is not sought. However, the number of members participating in this second meeting cannot be less than twice the number of members of the Board of Directors and the Board of Auditors.

The list of the members of the Association who are entitled to attend the general assembly is made available at the place of meeting. The identity documents of the members who will enter the meeting place shall be checked by the members of the Board of Directors or authorised officers to be appointed by the Board of Directors. Members enter the meeting place by signing against their names in the list issued by the Board of Directors.

If the Quorum for the meeting is reached, the situation shall be determined with a minute and the meeting shall be opened by the Chairman of the Board of Directors or one of the members of the Board of Directors appointed by the Chairman of the Board of Directors.

If the Quorum of the meeting cannot be achieved, a minute by the Board of Directors shall be issued.

After the opening of the meeting, a committee of the Council shall be empowered by electing a Chairman and a sufficient number of Deputy Chairmen and clerks to manage the meeting

In the voting to be held for the selection of the organs of the association, the voting members must present their identity cards to the council committee and sign next to their names on the list of the participants.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors shall be responsible of the management and security of the meeting.

In the general assembly, only the items on the agenda are discussed. However, items requested in writing by at least one tenth of the members present at the meeting are required to be included into the agenda.

In the General Assembly, each member has one vote; each member must use their own vote personally. Honorary members may attend the General Assembly but can not vote. If a legal entity is a member, the chairman of the legal entity or the person authorised by the chairman votes.

The issues discussed and decisions taken at the meeting shall be recorded in a report and signed by the chairman and the author(s).

At the end of the meeting, reports, minutes and other relevant documents are delivered to the Chairman of the Board of Directors. The Chairman of the Board of Directors is responsible for protecting these documents and delivering them to the newly elected Board of Directors within seven days.

Article 8- Rules and Methods for Voting and Decision-Making of the General Assembly

In the general assembly, unless otherwise decided, voting shall be done by open ballot In open vote, a method specified by the chairman of the General Assembly shall be used.

In case of secret voting ballot papers sealed by the chairman of the Meeting shall be cast into an empty container and after the voting is over, the ballot papers shall be openly sorted, counted and the results listed and recorded.

The General Assembly decisions are taken by the absolute majority of the participating members;

However, decisions about amendments to the charter and the dissolution of the association can only be made with the two-thirds majority of the members attending the meeting

Decisions taken without meeting or call*

Decisions taken with the written participation of all members without coming together and the decisions taken by all members of the association coming together without complying to the written call procedure shall be valid. Taking decisions in such a way, do not replace regular meetings.

Article 9-Duties and Powers of the General Assembly

The below issues shall be discussed and decided by the General Assembly

  • 1-Elections for the organs of the Association,
  • 2-Amendments to the constitution,
  • 3-Discussion of reports submitted by the Board of Directors and the Board of Auditors and to absolve the Board of Directors from responsibility,
  • 4-Discussion and approval of the budget prepared by the Board of Directors as is or by making alterations when necessary,
  • 5-Authorising the Board of Directors to purchase immovable property required for the Association or to sell existing immovable property,
  • 6-Review and approve regulations to be prepared by the Board of Directors regarding activities of the Association
  • 7-Determining salaries, fares, compensations and all kinds of allowances to be paid to the president and members of the association’s executive and supervisory boards who are not public officials and determining daily and travel allowance to be paid to members to be appointed for the services of the Association,
  • 8-Deciding on the Association's participation and leaving the federation,
  • 9-The participation of the Association in international activities, cooperation with associations and organisations abroad, joining or leaving them as members
  • 10-Association’s establishing a foundation.
  • 11-Termination of the Association
  • 12-Reviewing and deciding on other proposals of the Board of Directors
  • 13-Performing other duties that are required to be performed by the General Assembly pursuant to the provisions of law

The General Assembly audits all other organs of the association and can always dismiss them for justified reasons.

The General Assembly takes the final decision on admission and dismissal from membership.

As the most competent organ of the Association, it acts and uses the powers which are not granted to any other organ of the Association

Article 10-Formation, Duties and Authorities of the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is elected by the general assembly as eight principal and seven substitute members.

The Board of Directors determines the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and four Members by making a decision at its first meeting after the election

The Board of directors can always be called to a meeting at any time provided that all members are informed. Members shall meet with the presence of more than half of the full number.

Decisions are taken by the absolute majority of the total number of members attending the meeting.

In case of resignation, discharge or leave due to other reasons of principal members of the Board of Directors, it is obligatory to call the reserve members to the Office according to their number of votes they received in the General Assembly.

Duties and Powers of the Board of Directors:

The Board of Directors fulfills the following:

  • 1- Representing the Association or authorising one of its members or a third party on this matter.
  • 2- Carrying out transactions regarding income and expenditure accounts and preparing the budget for the next period and submitting it to the General Assembly,
  • 3- Preparing the regulations regarding the activities of the Association and submitting them to the General Assembly for approval,
  • 4- Purchasing immovable property, selling movable and immovable properties belonging to the Association, building structures or facilities, making lease agreements, establishing pledge mortgages or real rights in favour of the Association, with the authority granted by the General Assembly,
  • 5- Opening representation offices where deemed necessary,
  • 6- To implement the decisions taken at the General Assembly
  • 7– To prepare at the end of each activity year a report explaining the Association's operating account table or balance sheet and income statement and presenting it to the General Assembly,
  • 8- Ensuring the implementation of the budget,
  • 9- Deciding on recruitment of members to the association and exclusion of members from the association.
  • 10 - To take and implement all kinds of decisions in order to achieve the purpose of the Association,
  • 11 - To perform other duties assigned by the legislation and to exercise the powers.
Article 11-Formation, Duties and Powers of the Board of Auditors

The Board of Auditors shall be elected by the General Assembly as three regular and three substitute members.

In case of vacancy due to resignation or other reasons in the main membership of any of the principal members, it is obligatory to call the substitute members according to the majority of votes received in the general assembly.

Duties and powers of the Board of Auditors

The Board of Auditors audits whether the Association is operating in accordance with the work subjects within the scope of objectives indicated in the charter of the Association, the books, accounts and records are kept according to law and the charter of the Association at least once a year and reports the audit conclusions to the board of directors and general assembly when gathered.

The Board of Auditors shall call for a General Assembly if necessary.

Article 12-Income Sources of the Association

Income sources of the association are listed below

  • 1 – Members pay 20 TL entrance fee and 50 TL annulal fee. The General Assembly is authorised to increase or decrease these fees.
  • 2 - Donations and aids made by real and legal persons to the Association by their own will.
  • 3 – Incomes obtained by tea parties and dinner meetings, excursion and entertainment events, representations, concerts, and conferences organised by the Association.
  • 4 - Incomes obtained from the assets of the Association,
  • 5 - Donations and grants collected or received in compliance with the legislations,
  • 6 – Incomes obtained by commercial activities performed by the Association in order to generate the income required to realise its purpose,
  • 7 - Other incomes.
Article 13-Principles and procedures of the Association's bookkeeping and books to be kept

Principles of bookkeeping;

In the Association, books are kept on the basis of operating accounts system. However, if the annual gross income exceeds the limit as specified in Article 31 of the Regulation on Associations, books shall be kept according to the balance sheet system starting from the following accounting period.

In the event the Association changes to the balance sheet system, but the gross annual income is lower than the limit as defined in Article 31 of the Turkish Accounting Standards for two consecutive years, then the association may turn back to the operating accounts system starting from the following year.

The Association may however keep the books according to the balance sheet system without being bound by the limit defined in Article 31 of the Turkish Accounting Standards by a resolution of the board of directors.

If the Association starts a business enterprise, then separate books shall kept for such enterprise in accordance with theTax Procedure Code.

The books and Records of the Association are kept in accordance with procedures and principles specified in the Regulation on Associations.

Books to be kept

The Associations keeps following books.

a) Books to be kept on the basis of operating accounts system and principles to be followed are as follows:

  • 1 - Decision Book: Board decisions are written in this book in date and order number and decisions are signed by members participating
  • 2 - Member Registry Book: Identity informations, entry and exit dates of members who are registered as members of the Association are recorded in this book. Entrance and annual fees paid by the members can be processed in this book.
  • 3 - Document Registry Book: Incoming and outgoing documents are recorded in this book with their date and order number. Originals of incoming documents and copies of outgoing documents are filed. Incoming or outgoing documents via electronic mail are stored by printing.
  • 4 - Operating Account Book: Revenues and expenses of the association shall be noted in this book clearly and on a regular basis
  • 5 - Document Registration Book: Documents shall be noted in this book with the serial and order numbers, the names, surnames and signatures of the persons who have received or returned them and the dates of receiving or returning them.
  • 6 - Inventory Book: Fixtures and equipment of the association shall be registered in this book with their dates and form of acquisition and the places where they are used or given to. Fixtures and equipment whose useful life has expired shall also be noted in this book.

Keeping the Document Registration Book and the Inventory Book are not obligatory.

b) Books to be kept on basis of balance sheet and the principles to be followed

Books that are registered in sub-paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 6 of sub-clause (a) are kept in case of bookkeeping on balance sheet basis.

2) Ledger and daybook: The method of keeping these books and the form of registration is made in accordance with the tax procedure law and the general communiqués of the accounting system application published in accordance with the authority given by the Ministry of Finance of this Law.

Approval of the Books

Before starting to use the books that are obligatory to be kept in the association, they must be certified by the provincial associations directorate or a notary public.

These books shall be used until they run out of pages and there shall be no interim approvals.

However, for daybooks it is obligatory that they are reapproved every year within the last month which precedes the year that they will be used.

Income Statement and Balance Sheet Arrangement

In case of keeping records on the basis of business account, “Business Account Table” (specified in Associations Regulation Annex-16) is prepared at the end of the year (31st December). In case of keeping a book on a balance sheet basis, the balance sheet and income statement are prepared at the end of the year (31st December) based on the General Notices of Accounting System Implementation published by the Ministry of Finance.

Article 14-Revenue and Expense Transactions of the Association*

Income and expense documents; Incomes of the association shall be collected with the “Certificate of receipt” (the sample in Annex 17 of the Regulation on associations). If the Association income is collected through banks, documents such as the receipt or account summary issued by the Bank shall be replaced by the receipt document. Expenses of the Association are made with the expense documents such as invoice, retail sales receipt, self-employed voucher. However, in accordance with the provisions of the tax Procedure Law for payments of Associations within the scope of Article 94 of the income tax law, “expense receipts” are issued for the payments that are not within this scope (example in Annex 13 of the Association Regulation). Deliveries of free goods and services to persons, institutions or organizations by the association (the example in Annex-14 of the Association regulation) are made with an Aid Delivery Certificate. Deliveries of free goods and services to be made to the Association by persons, institutions and organizations are accepted with a Donation Certificate (as shown in annex 15 of the Association regulation). These documents should be written or printed on blocks each with fifty pages and counterfoils,or by means of electronic systems and printing machines on form or continous form paper, with consecutive serial and sequence number size and design as shown in Annex-13/14/15. Documents which are printed as form or continous form paper must fulfill these criteria.

Receipt Documents

Receipt Documents (form and dimension shown in Annex 17 of the Regulation on Associations) to be used in the collection of the revenues of the Association shall be printed by a printing house by the decision of the Board of Directors. The relevant provisions of the Regulation on Associations shall apply to the printing and supervision of the receipts, their delivery by the printing house, their registration in the books, their takeover between leaving and new accountants and the rules to be observed by persons appointed to collect revenues for the association by issuing receipts and the delivery of the funds collected in this way.

Licence of Authorization

The person or persons, except principle members of the board, who will collect income on behalf of the association are determined by the decision of the board of directors, by specifying the term of authority. The “Authorization Document” (as in Annex-19 in the Regulation of Associations), which contains the clear identity, signature and photographs of those who will collect income, is issued in three copies by the association and approved by the chairman of the board of directors. Principle members of the Board can collect income without a licence of authorisation. The validity of licences of authorisation shall be determined by the Board of Directors for a period not longer than a year. In the event of termination or death, the licence of authorisation shall be returned to the Board of Directors within a week. Licences of authorisation can be cancelled by the Board of Directors at any time.

Safekeeping period for revenue and expense documents receipts;

Expenditure documents and other documents, except for the books, shall be kept for a 5 years period in the order of the dates and the numbers registered in the registration book.

Article 15-Submission of a Declaration *

The Association’s Declaration (as presented in Annex 21 of the Regulation on Associations) regarding the activities of the Association and the income and expense transactions of the previous year by the end of the year is, after approval by the board of directors, to be forwarded to the relevant administrative authority by the president of the association within the first four months of each calendar year.

Article 16-Notification Obligation *

Notifications to the administrative authority;

General Assembly Result Notification

A “General Assembly Result Notification” with its annexes (presented in Annex 3 of the Associations Regulation) containing the main and substitute members elected to the management and supervisory boards and other bodies are notified by the chairman of the board of directors to the relevant administrative authority within thirty days following the ordinary or extraordinary general assembly meetings. The following documents must be added to the general assembly result notification; A copy of the minutes of the general assembly meeting together with the new and old form of the changing articles of the charter (If the charter has been amended) and the final form of the Association’s Charter, all pages signed by the Board of Directors.

Declaring Immovables

Immovables acquired by the association are notified within thirty days after registration to the administrative authority by filling the “Immovable Property Declaration” (as per Annex 26 of the Regulation of Associations).

Declaration of Getting Aid from Abroad

In case of receiving assistance from abroad, a “Declaration of Aid from Abroad” (as stated in the Regulation of Associations’ Appendix 4) must be submitted to the administrative authority prior to receiving the aid. Cash aids must be received through banks and fulfill the notification requirement before their use.

Notification of Changes

Changes occurring in the settlement of the association are to be ) notified to the administrative authority within thirty days following the change by filling out the “Settlement Change Notification” (specified in the Regulation of Associations’ Annex 24). Changes in Association bodies other than the general assembly meeting, by filling out the “Notification of Change in Association Bodies” (specified in the Regulation of Associations’ Annex 25). In the same manner, amendments to the charter of the association are to be notified to the administrative authority in the attachment of the general meeting result notification within thirty days following the General Assembly.

Article 17 Establishment of branches and Representation form in headquarters

The Association may establish branches where it deems necessary, in order to to carry out the activities of the Association. The adress of the branch must be declared in written to the local civilian authorites by the representative or representatives who were appointed by the Board of Directors. Representatives are not represented in the General Assembly

Article 18 Internal Audit

Internal audits may be performed by the General Assembly, the Board of Directors or the Board of Auditors, as well as by independent auditors. The audit obligation is not eliminated if the audit is performed by the Board of Directors, The General Assembly, or independent audit bodies. The Board of Auditors is responsible for auditing the Association at the latest once a year. The General Assembly or the Board of Directors may, where deemed necessary, perform an audit or assign an external auditor for auditing.

Article 19 - Borrowing Procedures Of The Association

The Association may borrow funds by a resolution of the Board of Directors for achieving its purposes and carrying out its activities.

The borrowing may be in the form of purchase of goods and services on credit or in form of cash.

The borrowing should take into account the revenues and no borrowing shall be made that could compromise the solvency of the Association.

Article 19 – Changing the Charter

The amendment of the charter can be made by the decision of the General Assembly. In order to make amendments to the Charter at the General Assembly, a 2/3 majority of the members who are entitled to to attend the General Assembly is required. In case of a postponement of the meeting due to lack of the majority, the majority shall not be sought in the second meeting. However, the number of members attending the second meeting cannot be less than twice the total number of members of the board of directors and auditors. 2/3 votes of the members attending the meeting are required for an amendment of the charter. The decision in the General Assembly for amending the Charter is taken by open vote.

Article 19 - Termination and Liquidation of the Association

The General Assembly of the Association can decide on the termination of the Association at any time. In order for deciding on the termination at the General Assembly, 2/3 majority of the members who are entitled to participate in the General Assembly shall be sought. In case this meeting is postponed due to not achieving majority vote, a majority shall not be sought in the second meeting. However, the number of members attending the second meeting cannot be less than twice the total number of members of the board of directors and auditors The decision on terminating the association to can only be made by a two-thirds majority of the members who are entitled to vote, and who are attending the meeting. The decision in the General Assembly for terminating the Association is taken by open vote. When termination is decided by the General Assembly, the liquidation of money, assets and rights of the Association shall be carried out by a liquidation committee which shall consist of the members of the last Board of Directors. These procedures shall start as of the date on which the termination decision is taken by the General Assembly or the natural termination of the Association becomes final. During the liquidation process, the phrase “Tasfiye Halinde ONKOLOJİK KLİNİK ARAŞTIRMALAR DERNEĞİ” (ONCOLOGICAL CLINICAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATION in Liquidation) ”is used in the name of the Association in all transactions. The Liquidation Board is fully responsible and authorized to liquidate money, assets and rights of the association in accordance with the legislation. The Liquiditation Board first examines the accounts of the Association. During the examination, books and records of the Association, receipts, expenditure documents, land registry and bank records as well as other documents are determined and assets and liabilities are put into a report. During the liquidation process, the creditors of the Association are called up and the Association’s physical assets, if available, shall be converted into cash and paid to them. In case where the Association is the creditor, receivables shall be collected. All remaining money, goods and rights subsequent to the collection of receivables and payment of debts shall be transferred to a body agreed upon in the General Assembly. If a such a body has not been determined at the General Assembly, all surplus assets shall be transferred to an association within the same district with similarity of mission and the highest number of members on the day the Association was dissolved. All transactions relating to liquidation are shown in the liquidation report and the liquidation procedures shall be completed within three months, unless an extension is granted by local authorities for a valid reason. Upon the completion of the liquidation and transfer process of the Association’s financial assets, property and rights, the Liquidation Board shall inform the local authority in writing within seven days. The liquidation report shall be attached to this written statement. The Board of Directors is responsible for keeping the books and documents of the Association in the capacity of the liquidation board. This duty may also be delegated to a member of the Board of Directors. These books and documents shall be kept for a period of five years.

Our Values

Our core values for developing the culture of working together are impartiallity, participation, inclusivity, encouragement, transparency, neutrality and honesty.

Fundamental Principles & Policies

Our fundamental principle is "Knowledge and Love grow by sharing". Our meetings and studies shall be conducted in the light of this principle.

The Policy of our Association is to share up-to-date information in the field of oncology, to improve our organisational skills continuously and to reflect our knowledge into meetings and clinical studies with a wide participation.

Board of Directors

Mehmet Artaç

Mehmet Artaç

Ahmet Sezer

Vice President
Ahmet Sezer
Vice President

Abdurrahman Işıkdoğan

Abdurrahman Işıkdoğan

Okan Avcı

Okan Avcı

Bala Başak Öven

Bala Başak Öven

Mahmut Gümüş

Mahmut Gümüş

Faysal Dane

Faysal Dane

Metin Özkan

Metin Özkan

Board of Auditors

Haci Mehmet Türk

Haci Mehmet Türk

Ender Doğan

Vice President
Ender Doğan
Vice President

Ahmet Taner Sümbül

Ahmet Taner Sümbül


There are two kinds of Association Members:

a. Full member
b. Honorary member.

Acceptance criteria for Full Membership
  • 1. Having civil rights.
  • 2. Being above 18 years of age.
  • 3. Not having any continuous or periodic restriction on the right of becoming an association member.
  • 4. Being a master or doctorate student or graduate of any of the faculties related to Oncology; or being a graduate of any university with work experience in the field of Oncology; or being scientist who has contributed to the education of Oncology and published at least two sientific papers in this field within the past five years.
  • 5. Provide the references of at least two members of the Association and applying by submitting a signed application form.
  • 6. Being a citizen of the Republic of Turkey, regardless whether the residental address is in Turkey or abroad. Being a non-Turkish citizen with residential address in Turkey (this condition will not be required for Honorary Members)
  • 7. The full member has the right to vote and stand for election to the Boards. Full members pay an application fee and an annual fee
  • 8. Founding members acquire the status of a full member as soon as the Association becomes a legal corporate body without going though membership acceptance procedures.
  • 9. Membership applications shall be made to the headquartes or representative offices of the Association by submitting a signed member entry notice and other documents required.
    The Association's Board of Directors decides on the application for membership in their first meeting within 30 days and informs the membership applicant about the result in writing.
  • 10. Applicants who work in cancer studies and research but do not hold a a master or doctorate degree in Oncology, as mentioned in Article 4 should submit their documents together with records which show their work experience in this field.
    The membership application for these applicants is reviewed and finalised in the first upcoming meeting of the Board of Directors of the Association and the applicant is informed about the result in writing.
  • 11. The Interim Board of Directors is entitled to accept members after the Association has been established.
Conditions for Honorary Membership
  • 1. Anyone who voluntarily, is ready to provide material and moral support to the Association can become a Honorary Member.
  • 2. Honorary Membership requires the approval of the Board of Directors.
  • 3. Honorary Member shall have no voting rights at the Meeting of the Board of the Directors. They may attend the Board of Directors’ Meeting and speak in the “wishes and comments” part
  • 4. Honorary Members may attend and participate in any scientific activity.
  • 5. Honorary Members may donate if they wish.
  • 6. Honorary Members who do not hold a Turkish citizenship do not have to be resident in Turkey
Termination of Membership

Membership ends if it is terminated or the member resigns voluntarily.

  • 1. Resignation: A member has the right to resign from the association by giving a written notice of resignation, the membership of such a member is then cancelled. The resignation procedure is deemed completed as soon as the resignation notice reaches the Board of Directores.
  • 2. Dismissal from Membership: Cases requiring dismissal from Association Membership are as follows:
  • 2. a. Acting in violation of rules of the Association,
  • 2. b. Failing to pay membership fees within two years without reasonable excuse, despite written reminders,
  • 2. c. Violating the ethical code and moral principles of the Association,
  • 2. d. Violating ethical and moral principles in regard to research and publications, acting contrary to the goals of the Association, acting in a manner contrary to the goals of the Association, displaying behaviors that hinder the activities of the Association
  • 3. According to the regulation of Associations, members who have lost their right of Membership are deleted from the membership registration book by the decision of the Board of Directors,
  • 4. Dismissal from the Association does not relieve the dismissed member of their obligation to pay his/ her accumulated debts to the Association.
  • 5. Resigned or dismissed members may demand no claims on any asset of the Association.